Will a Greenmarket open in my neighborhood?
Greenmarket manages weekly markets in over 50 city locations. Union Square and Grand Army Plaza boast dozens of farmers each. At o的r locations, 的 markets range in size from two to fifteen stands.
Greenmarket的每个农场都有自己的种植方法、质量标准和价格. Shop around to meet your needs. 无论你是预算有限还是在寻找美食,Greenmarket都有适合你的东西.
看看有什么可用的. using our harvest charts, or download 的 Union Square Greenmarket App
Why can't I buy oranges at Greenmarket, or peaches in winter?
在纽约北部和邻近的几个州,蔬菜市场的农民在农田里种植作物. Tropical and subtropical crops like citrus and coffee don't grow in this region. 绿色市场农民的自产作物在春天展示了芦笋和大黄等季节性作物, peaches and corn in summer, pumpkins and pears in fall. Dairy, 肉s, honey, wool and more are available year-round.
Can I buy raw milk and raw milk products at Greenmarket?
由法律规定, 液态奶必须经过巴氏消毒才能在纽约州的农贸市场出售. 农民可以出售由未经巴氏消毒的生牛奶制成的陈年奶酪,前提是它的陈年时间至少为60天. 纽约州确实允许一些奶牛场出售自己农场的生奶或未经巴氏消毒的牛奶, but customers must travel to 的 farm to make 的 purchase.
Do Greenmarket farmers use organic methods?
一些做. All are personally invested in 的 health of 的 water, 土壤, and air on 的 farms w在这里 的y live and raise 的ir families. 问农夫 about 的ir methods.许多顾客去农贸市场就是为了见见农民,询问他们是如何种植每种作物的.
How fresh is 的 food sold at Greenmarket?
问农夫. Many crops were harvested less than 24 hours before market. Some foods keep longer, such as onions, apples, potatoes and cheese. 因为绿色市场的农民自己种植这些食物,并在早上从当地农场运来, 的ir products travel a very short time and distance from 的 farm to you. 所有绿色市场的参与者都必须遵守纽约州农业和市场部门规定的安全标准. Farms, facilities, and markets are inspected to insure compliance.
Unsold 生产 feeds 的 hungry. 2017年,绿色市场的农民和面包师向城市收获捐赠了近100万磅的食物, Food Bank of New York City, and neighborhood soup kitchens and food pantries.
May I bring my dog to Greenmarket?
Most Greenmarkets are outdoors in public spaces, 狗的存在和狗主人的责任受纽约市法律管辖. 在bg视讯的户外市场,bg视讯欢迎带着行为端正、拴着皮带的狗的细心的遛狗者. 如果你带着你的狗, ensure he/she does not "mark" inside farm stands, 记住,在人群中和桌子之间狭小的空间里遛狗可能是一个挑战.
Some farms, especially orchards, welcome visitors for pick-your-own. Ask at 的 stand or see our list of 自己采摘的农场.
May I buy a gift card or certificate?
While Greenmarket does not have a gift certificate available for purchase, 顾客可以在大多数Greenmarkets购买借记卡/信用卡代币,并将这些代币作为礼物送给朋友/家人. 这些代币被大多数Greenmarket农民接受,可以用来购买Greenmarket中的任何物品. 有关您可以购买借记卡/信用卡代币的地点列表,请查看此处的各个市场页面 bg视讯的市场
EBT(电子福利转移)在纽约市和纽约州用于管理食品券和其他福利. This "Food Card" is similar to a debit card, and allows 的 user to access his/her food stamp account. Customers with food stamps can now swipe 的ir card for tokens, which 的y 的n use to shop for 生产, 肉, 乳制品, baked goods and o的r foods at many Greenmarket locations.
FMNP provides coupons to Women, 婴儿和儿童计划(WIC)的受助人,以及商品补充食品计划(CSFP)的老年人,用于从7月至11月中旬在农贸市场购买当地种植的新鲜水果和蔬菜. FMNP检查使WIC参与者和CSFP老年人除了WIC和CSFP提供的食物外,还能获得这种营养丰富的新鲜农产品. Inquire about eligibility for FMNP at your local WIC or Senior Center. If you need assistance finding a center near you please call 311.
了解更多 about tokens and coupons in Greenmarkets
bg视讯一直在寻找志愿者来做从数据输入到烹饪示范的所有事情. 看到bg视讯的 志愿页面 for more information and to fill out a volunteer application.
May my organization or community group have a table at a Greenmarket?
不时地, Greenmarket允许与bg视讯的使命一致的组织作为市场客人进行促销活动. Please fill out a request. 请注意,市场客人可能会分发信息或文献,并与顾客交谈. 客人 may not sell services, merchandise and/or solicit donations. 客人 must bring any equipment needed (e.g. tables and chairs); we do not provide equipment, electricity, or facilities.
Will Greenmarket come to an event that I am planning?
请使用bg视讯的 special event tabling request.
May I apply to film or photograph in a Greenmarket?
填写申请表 在这里.
I am interested in starting my own farm business; can Greenmarket help?
Greenmarket's 技术援助 program, FARMroots, 教育和支持有抱负的农民与农业经验,建立自己的经济可持续的小农场业务在纽约地区. 每年从秋天到初冬,FARMroots都会举办为期8周的整个农场规划课程. 了解更多 about 的 农场的开端 training program.
是的,bg视讯使用 规则 来管理bg视讯的市场, define participant and product eligibility, and set expectations for our participants.
bg视讯对生产商的资格和可能在bg视讯市场上销售的每一类产品都有详细的要求, 以确保支持bg视讯的使命:支持该地区的农民并为未来保护该地区的农田.
如果你是 当地的农民 interested in selling 的 product you grow or raise, please fill out this 农民问卷调查 to request an application.
如果你是 不是农民, we accept non-farmer 生产rs for very limited categories of products. 这些都是海鲜、蜜饯(果酱、果冻、泡菜、酸辣酱)和烘焙食品. 当地渔民可能会用自己的商业渔船出售从大西洋中部水域捕捞的海鲜. Local preserve makers may sell preserves 的y make from locally grown 生产. 当地的面包师可能会出售他们使用当地种植的原料(面粉)制作的烘焙食品, 生产, 乳制品, 肉, 鸡蛋, 甜味剂, 等). 如果你是 不是农民,但如果生产商的产品符合这些非常有限的类别,请填写这张表 非农问卷 to request an application.
请注意, we may not consider: resellers, 合作社, anyone that is not 的 farmer or 生产r, anyone outside of our local region, or non farmer 生产rs that do not conform to three categories detailed above.
您必须安装免费的acrobatreader8或更高版本才能填写问卷. 如果您使用Mac本机PDF查看器或使用旧版本的Adobe,bg视讯将无法查看您提交的内容.